We will work with all those involved and see the process through to completion, with the individual successfully re-integrated back to work.

This programme is suitable for those:

  • off work due to ill-health or disability, who want to return to work in the near future, or
  • those still in work but restricted in their role because of limitations presented by their condition.

Whatever the circumstances, we start by assessing the complete nature of the situation and agreeing a plan of action with all concerned.  We will then act as Vocational Case Manager, co-ordinating the whole return to work process for the individual concerned.  Support can be allocated for both client and manager.  

  • For the Individual we offer return to work guidance and support from professionals such as Psychologists and Job Coaches.
  • For the Manager we offer support from a Specialist Employment Psychologist whose role is to appreciate and provide guidance from a business point of view rather than just the employee’s perspective.

This service is available to anyone, whatever the disability or health problem preventing success in the workplace.  Our Job Retention team are equipped to explore a realistic way forward that pulls all parties thinking together.  Key components of the programme are:

  • Occupational Psychology assessments.
  • Workplace assessments, Job Analysis and skills profiling.
  • Employer liaison.
  • Job Coach support.
  • Return to work guidance.
  • Disability awareness & team building, if appropriate.
  • Business focused approach to addressing ‘problems’ presented.